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Refreshment stand

A design for a portable refreshment booth. Perfect for traveling to fairs. 1934. Invented by Clifton E. Mowrer.

Diner design

A diner by Arthur Sieber, who also designed the White Mana that debuted at the 1939 New York World's Fair as the "diner of the future." 1938. Invented by Arthur E. Sieber.

Shoe building

Live your nursery rhyme fantasy in a shoe. Watch your step when walking through the door upstairs. 1933. Invented by Alma F. Tall.

Shell service station

Shell service station. A beacon to the weary traveler. 1929. Invented by Bruce W. Hoover.

Service station with tower

A nautically themed service station with a tower tank. 1940. Invented by Samuel Green.

Service station

A service station by Walter Dorwin Teague, who helped pioneer industrial design as a profession in the United States. Teague was responsible for the look of Texaco gas stations in the 1930s. 1955. Invented by Walter Dorwin Teague.

Drive-in restaurant

A design for a drive-in restaurant. 1936. Invented by T. T. Record.

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Gasoline service island

A gasoline service station island. 1929. Invented by Ross McCoy.

J. G. Brill service building

A service building design for the J. G. Brill Company, a maker of streetcars, railroad cars and buses. 1932. Invented by Guy Lynn Rosebrook.

Dashing design

A service station in pin stripes designed for Southern States Oil Company. 1936. Invented by Leonard D. Long.

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