Frank Lloyd Wright house

Frank Lloyd Wright house

This is a wonderful illustration of Frank Lloyd Wright's Suntop Homes, which he called the "Ardmore experiment." The structure included four housing units and is available here. This site has background on Suntop Homes. 1939
Invented by Frank Lloyd Wright">still standing in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Four of the units were to be built in Ardmore, but only the one was ever constructed. More photos of the dwelling are available here. This site has background on Suntop Homes. 1939. Invented by Frank Lloyd Wright.


Frank Lloyd Wright's Sun Top Home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania

I grew up next door to the Sun Top House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and built in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. I was 7 years old, and watched as the structure was erected. My family thought it impractical because the living rooms had such high windows and ceilings, and the kitchen and eating areas were upstairs. There were lovely weeping willows in the yard. One night I awoke to find a fire blazing in the unit on the corner of the home nearest to our house. That corner was completely destroyed, but the other three units were protected by an effective firewall. The unit was restored. My understanding was that Wright designed the building as an affordable answer to the need of middle-class families for affordable and attractive housing. It was and is a significant contribution to American architecture, and still worth replicating.